Every year we see a wide variety of trends arise, whether it be fashion, slang, etc.. Some of these trends stick around through the next year, but some need to be dropped.
There are some trends that should stick around for years. However, other trends are pointless and downright ridiculous. Trends such as “dabbing” and the mannequin challenge are difficult to understand how it became a trend in the first place.
The only way to avoid these obscene trends being carried on into 2017 is for people to simply stop adding to the current trend. New trends are always going to be created every year and some may actually be good, but others can be unnecessary and people need to know their limits with them.
When it comes to fashion there are many trends that most people can do without. Man buns have been around to long and should be left in 2016. Only a handful of people can actually pull it off, but for most man buns do not look very flattering.
Another fashion trend that the world can do without is clothing with Apple emojis on them. We don’t need to make pants and sweatshirts with all the Apple emojis on it. The problem is not only with clothing ,2016 was filled with emoji everything, pillows, speakers, phone cases and more. This is an unnecessary trend, emojis should stay where they belong, in the phone.
Other than fashion 2016, many slang terms need to go. Some of these slang terms have been far too overused. Terms like “fam”, “fleek” and “lit” are getting tired. Some people need to try to tone it down on the usage of these words.
Pintrest, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have acted as a production factory for all kinds of random eclectic trends. Food has been a big victim of 2016. Some examples of food trends that need to go are rainbow colored foods, meals and desserts that come in mason jars and especially deconstructed meals.
There is nothing you can do to stop a ridiculous trend from being created but you don’t have to be a part of it if you don’t want to. Not all trends are bad and they all receive different opinions. Lets hope there are more good trends than outrageous ones in 2017.